Saturday 26 May 2012

Let's start at the very beginning.....

A very good place to start.  Thanks Julie Andrews (or I should say Rodgers and Hammerstein) for getting me started.

Over the past couple of years, instead of drawing up a New Year's Resolution (which I never kept), I decided to compose a list of things I'd like to do/achieve by the end of the year - some successful, some not so.  This year, I tentatively scribbled "start a blog".  Along with:  go to an auction (and hopefully buy something); have high tea in a fancy hotel; fly a kite with my soon to be three year old; and use my national trust membership more often. Well, here goes.....
I love blogs.  I love being inspired, whether it be crochet, sewing, reading, food - it doesn't matter what; especially sometimes when you're a mum and you feel a little isolated (which is strange when you think of how open and accessible the world is now).  I also like the idea of recording the little everyday pleasures somewhere. So, with a little trepidation, I will dip my toe into the blogging world and see how it goes....