Saturday 27 October 2012


Hello and welcome all, hope you are all in super health.
The eldest Mr Chander is slowly settling in well to his nursery school and new routine.  He seems to be enjoying meeting new friends, and the wonderful variety of tasks he performs daily.  He does seem to love the sand and water and painting, judging by his uniform every day....
Anyhow, Halloween is approaching, and I decided to make a costume for his preschool party.
Master Chander has two major loves - trains and dinosaurs.  He loves Thomas the tank engine, but I think I'm a better seamstress than I am an architect with cardboard and glue; so a dino outfit it was to be.

Having googled "homemade dino costumes", I decided to "freestyle a costume for him. I purchased a cheap furry blanket from a bargain store in a suitably garish blue; and I recycled a "Mr Tickle" tabard (which he never used), for orange fabric and velcro.  Waste not want not, eh? I also used a few scraps of felt too if necessary.

I used one of his sleep suits and drew out a pattern in four sections. I tried, wherever possible, to use the already stitched edging in the blanket as edging on the suit. I made a tail, with the orange "mr tickle" arms as decoration, with orange bony plates along the back. I also made a hood which was a bit lopsided, but never mind, with the same orange detailing and felt eyes. Finally, I made an orange belly with ricrac detailing - and used Velcro to allow easy access in and out for toilet stops! I was so pleased with how it turned out and it only took about 5 hours of making time.

Master Chander wore it yesterday - it unbelievably stood up to the challenge and I was very chuffed with some compliments aswell from the nursery staff and parents alike! I would certainly give costume making a go again; it was great fun and most importantly,the smile on my son's face was priceless! After a making mojo sojourn, I am now ready for the push for Chrimbo with some crochet makes.....
 See you soon. Em

Sunday 14 October 2012

Absence makes....

Apologies for not posting recently - we have been rather busy here at Casa Chanders of late.  If you ask me why, I probably couldn't tell you everything we've been up to - I just know that the little slice of blogging/making time has been sorely squeezed of late.  It's very frustrating because without that time , I think I get a little dolally - it's amazing how my ramblings on here can keep me content.

Anyway, I have managed to finish one of my Chanders "specials"  - a chirpy little granny pram blanket for a friend's new arrival. I am also starting a little costume sewing for the eldest Master Chander....but more of that later....take care....

Monday 1 October 2012

simple pleasures:

 Apologies for no recent posts  - last week was a busy week between working, resting and playing. Unfortunately, there was little in the way of crafting too.   Disappointing. 

Today, I'd thought I'd share my current simple pleasures  (obviously inspired by point number four below):
1. Listening to water pouring into my mug for my daily morning cup of tea.

2. Drinking the aforementionned mug of tea.
3. Stewing fruits and veggies for Master Chander number two, who is weaning with an appetite the size of Wales.  It's good to see, but I can't keep up with him.  And I can't resist a little stewed apple and pear.....
4. Reading Ravelry for great inspiration; and visiting the Dorset Cereals website - particularly the competitions; mini quizzes (especially Word Up!) and especially the "simple pleasures section" (to be found here I love it when websites like this don't take themselves too seriously. And they do make a lovely muesli.

5. Finding this pattern for tapestry granny squares in this month's Cross-stitcher - a project for the future, methinks. Love, love,love it. I'm slowly gathering supplies - realistically a project for next year, but who knows....

What's floating your boat this weather?