Thursday 13 September 2012

Mrs Chanders Bakes - Mark two....

Hello all, and welcome.  What a very quiet week it has been, full of fun and mundane:  train looking and cooking; dinosaur bashing and washing.  And a bit of baking.

It was my mum's birthday this week.  Yesterday to be precise.   I had already given her a delicious linen clutch courtesy of Ms L Guinness for a birthday present (markedly reduced courtesy of a sales website) in August, so she could use it on her hols.   But I didn't want to go to see her yesterday "with my arms the one length", so I rustled up this little beauty.
It's exactly the same as the anniversary cake I made in July for the "Ruby Murray Curry Night", but with pastel flowers and ribbon, instead of red.  And an obligatory doily.

Inside, a delectable victoria sponge with buttercream, recipe courtesy of my old favourite, Mary Berry. I knew it was tasty enough when Dad said "Aye, it's not bad".  I was a little sad to eat her, to be honest.  Anyway, looking forward to the weekend - Mr Chander is off; no studying to be done; might even get to the local car boot sale.  To be honest, I'd be happy with the whole family, snuggled on the settee, watching a film..... 

1 comment:

  1. Your Mum must have been thrilled with the looks amazing! That's the thing with food.It can take hours to prepare and then 'puff' it's gone in a minute.
    Have a happy weekend. :0)
